Monday, April 12, 2010

Blogs That I FoLlOw! maybe...?/

One of the few blogs that I follow is awake n' Alive =) because I am a fan of the band Skillet. Things that they write about is Climate Change, Animal Farm since we are reading it in English, and many other things that themselves are interested in since it is their blog.
Another blog that I follow is 100 percent cottam because she writes about things that interests her, such as a post called Good Grief, Charlie Brown.
Third blog that i also follow from time to time is Mudpies & Cupcakes, she writes about things such as her son's birthday party and things that happen to here throughout her lifetime. Such as important events.
Fourth blog that i follow as well is Unrealistic Expectations. Some things that this person writes about is if the Ipad will fly and how she/he thinks that it looks really neat to her. Also about her Mrtyle Beach days.
Fifth blog is Julian's Blog. Different things that he writes about is Climate Change, and about how he learns what score means!

As you have seen/read about how I follow a variety of blogs. Some of them are about their family/friends, Climate Change, or their day to day life.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Challenge 5

For my blog personally i don't think that i would need a creative common license, because i don't share my ideas and personal things on my blog. One thing thats good is that you can keep track of what kind of information a person can find out about you from your blog.

This is from Blogging challenge 5

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Animal Farm

I embedded this video because in English we are reading the book Animal Farm. Where animals want to take over the farm and get rid of the humans.