Friday, May 28, 2010

March 2010: Challenge 10

I have written a total of 38 posts not including the one I'm writing now. 4 of these posts are of my own interest and 34 of them are just school based. Total of 12 comments for all of my posts. The 3 that had the most comments was thoughts on blogging, Climate Change, and Beach Party (I have no clue on why those were the most that were commented on). The post that I enjoyed writing the most might have been.... idk! I have 11 widgets on my blogger, i think that there is not enough (still looking for things I would like to add) !!!! :)

Challenge 10

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How teens are using their CELLPHONES!

I am a teen and I can say that i rarely use my cell for calling, and mainly for texting my friends.

83% of teens are taking pictures w/ their cell phones
60% of teens are playing music
23% of teens use their phones for social networking
72% of teens are text-messagers
54% of teens are texting daily
11% send more than 200 texts/day

1 in 3 teens are texting while they're driving
1 in 2 are talking on their phones

This is a part of Challenge 9 of the Blogging Challenge