Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Everest Collage

My collage of Everest shows accomplishment, success, and happiness. The pictures show the sign of happiness.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Would you rather spend time studying the spider or the wasp? What is it about that species that intrigues you?

I think I would rather study the tarantula because tarantulas periodically shed their external skeletons in a process called molting. Eww! Their mild venom is weaker than a typical bee's. They also don't use a web to ensnare prey, though it may spin a trip wire to signal an alertwhen something approaches its burrow. Few natural enemies... which is a good thing!! But a wasp will paralyze a tarantula with its sting and lay its eggs on the spider's body. Eewww..
The thing that intreques me the most about them is that they can't get killed by many things but the ones that they can get killed by are wasped... interesting...
What do you think?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Erik Weihenmayer... Inspiration?

I consider Erik Weihenmayer is an inspiration because he shows that being blind or not, you still can do stuff instead of staying inside and not doing anything because they're blind. He said that he also had some advantages because he was blind. He didn't have to worry about the sun being in his eyes.

Monday, November 16, 2009


If I could create a prompt for other bloggers around the world to do, then it would be that I look forward to spending Christmas with my mom's side of the family, opening presents, seeing everyone, and just catching up and talking. I also look forward to the snow and the cold weather, because that means that I get to go shopping for new winter clothes. What do you look forward to whether it's during the summer or the winter?...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Monday, November 2, 2009

DiGiTaL fOoTpRiNt... Positive/Negative?

I think that I have a positive digital footprint.If you researched me on the Internet you would have found me to be linked to my facebook account,school, attended a town hall meeting, and even mentioned in an obituary.The person that I think is responsible for showing me how to be internet savvy, is everyone because it doesn't matter who tought you... I think it matters that you learned how to be internet savvy. Whenever I register at a website I would include my name, maybe a picture, create a username, some places even give you an avatar that you can create if you don't want to post a picture of yourself... Or upload a picture from the internet. Also when you post something on the internet there can always be a way to track down what you have posted even when you think that you deleted it. When you put something on the internet, such as a picture you give the rights for people to look at you in a way that you might not want them to. That is why you don't give out your first and last name unless you know who you're giving it out to, such as a relative or a co-worker. When should you start using your own photo of yourself rather than an avatar? My opinion on this topic is you should post your own photo and use your full name when you have your own company, or trying to sell things and make profits and want people to get a hold of you when they want to buy something.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Holiday in the Sun

If i had a choice to holiday in a country of my choice, I would have to choose is Australia. Not only because of the warm weather but also because of the sight seeing there is there. Designated Rest Day, which is designed to enforce religious standards,particularly the observance of Sunday as a day of worship or rest, and a restriction on Sunday shopping... :( But it would be a nice day to take your mind of things that are in your head.

FaV. HoLiDaY...!

If I had to pick one of my favorite holidays... It would be thanksgivings because of all of the food that we eat like turkey, ham, stuffing, etc. And you get the chance to tell what your thankful for.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

FaNtAsY hOlIdAy....

If I could have a fantasy holiday, then it would have to be something in the summer like Color Day, where you would dress up in bright colors and all be preppy/happy.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ClImAtE cHaNgE...

As part of the student blogging challenge, I wrote a post for BAD 2009 on the topic of climate change. Is where you can find out tons of info on who dies, whose born, etc.

Climate change is the change in our weather patterns that are occurring because of an increase in the Earth's average temperature. Some people also call this Global Warming. The way it affects me personally is that we don't know what to wear because everyday the weather is different and you can't always rely on the weather channel because they're not always right. What we can do, as a community is use less coal, oil, and gas for our electricity. To try and use carpool, instead of taking all different vehicles of a way to use less fossil fuel. The U.S. burns 1000 tonnes of CO2 every 5.3 seconds, one person dies every 12.6 seconds.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beach PaRtY

I give credit to Public Domain Images... Check comments to find the exact URL.

Thoughts on this PhOtO...

This picture I think describes my favorite place, the beach. On the beach you can hang out with friends, read a book, play volleyball in the sand, or even just lay and get a tan. Once when my family went on a family vacation to Florida, and all I wanted to do was lay there and read a book while getting a nice even tan. The only bad thing would be that you would have tan lines. We're planning another vacation for this next summer. We are planning to go some place warm.

mY InTeReStS

I have many interests but one of them is shopping. Shopping you can locate nice deals, go with your friends, and a way to take off anything that you may have your mind. Learning on how to find good deals and just a way to have fun. Find new things that you need or may not need but you like it, so you but it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Other BlOgGeRs out there

I learned there are other bloggers that have some of the same interests that I have. I also didn't realize how many other bloggers there are out there in this world meaning from other countries.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Paste this code into your blog or home page to link to this Wordle:
Wordle: Homecoming '09


This week is homecoming and i'm excited for the game tomorrow. We're undefeated... Today's camo/blaze orange today.! This week is just another way for students to show some school spirit by competing against the other grades.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thoughts On BlOgGiNg

What i think of blogging is kthat i don't want anyone to know about my personal life besides myself and others that i decide to let them know myself. Also i think that blogging is another for a stalker or stranger to find out more about you than someone should know... I prefer using other things to talk to people like chat rooms.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I did many things over the summer. Just some of the things I have done are working at my job, going boating, hanging out w/ friends. Also when I feel like it I run about a mile or two. Also in between of working I was also able to get my temps and go to Drivers Ed which was ran through school!! Went to the Kalahari Resort w/ my two bfs and wished we would've went to an outdoor water park instead of one inside. For two weeks in July there was a fishing tournament called Big Fish Bash, but was to busy working to go fishing. :(

Also went to six flags and all of the work employees went on a bus all the way to Chicago, IL. It was a blast :)